Optimal Desktop -Standard Edition 5.0 r222 - Freeware Box

Optimal Desktop -Standard Edition 5.0 r222

Optimal Desktop -Standard Edition

Optimal Desktop offers a new and exciting way for everyone to share and publish their internet search results. Optimal Desktop files can organize hundreds of links by project or subject in a single tabbed window with an intuitive user interface. Tabs allow for simultaneous browsing and ready access to thousands of links.
Links are tagged and can be searched. Optimal Desktop authoring tool lets you organize and access web, rss and desktop files and folders form the same space. Fast Electronic Link Exchange or Feli-X is the free browser for viewing Optimal Desktop research files.
Optimal Desktop RSS features let users subscribe to RSS feeds, define custom criteria and build their own feeds and create and publish custom feeds from a collection of links. Optimal Desktop’s RSS features are ideal for storing, commenting and sharing links with others.

Size: 12.13MB
Publisher: Visit Website


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